Fly over Drake Passage for boutique Antarctic cruises blending adventure, comfort.


Getting to know and contemplate this yet unexplored continent has been the goal and dream of many adventurers that are not satisfied with simply imagining what it would feel like to traverse its ice caps. The Antarctic Continent keeps many hidden surprises for those who visit it. This fascinating territory contains more than 90% of the earth’s land ice, which transforms it into the largest fresh water reserve on earth. Antarctica has the singularity of being the continent of remaining hidden from man for the longest period of time, its first visitors only arrived at these virgin frozen lands only two hundred years ago. Its matchless beauty contrasts with extreme climate conditions, all of which makes it an exotic destination, truly hypnotizing for those few that reach this far away coer of the universe. Among the main species that make up marine Antarctic fauna are Whales, Elephant Seals, Weddell Seals, Adelie, Chinstrap and Gentoo Penguins, in addition  to the variety of birds, such as Albatrosses, Petrels and Snowy Sheathbills. In this enchanting adventure not only will you have the opportunity of coming into contact with highly unique animals, but will also enjoy the awesome scenery made of glaciers, mountains and roaming icebergs.

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